  • What CMCM Clients Say

  • “CMCM consistently collected 98% of insurance claims over our 8 years together.”

  • “CMCM works cooperatively with us on special projects.”

  • “CMCM is familiar with all managed care and Medicare plans, and they do an outstanding job of establishing relationships with them and collecting for our services.”

  • “I cannot say enough how expert Mrs. McCoy and her staff are and how professionally they handle our billing.”

  • “CMCM has been improving efficiency and revenues for physicians for 25 years.”

  • CMCM clients have a faster rate of return and increased revenues.

  • CMCM takes numerous calls from elderly patients and their families regarding confusion around charges, payment, and balances. They have specific staff trained to handle our nursing home billing and collections as well as these telephone calls. They work cooperatively with our office to provide the highest level of service to us and our patients and families.”
    — Geriatric Practice Group, New Haven, Connecticut

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